Dear Scarlett, Pleasure to meet you too! I'm very excited to talk to you about Crystal Osmium as i realize what its potential will be in the future, and with my knowledge of economics and the coming commodity bull market, this future might be coming sooner then expected. So i'm more then happy to get in at ground zero at something that's sure to explode in popularity in the future! Let me get right down to your requests. Since the second one is simple i'll handle it first: The time for a Zoom meeting is yours to set. Both me and Lynne will attend; Since Lynne's currently retired and my schedule is free we will adjust to the time most beneficial to you :) I believe this should also maximize our chances to have the director sit in :D (though on the 5th of December i'm unavailable due to a national holiday and spending time with family). As for my background; Let me give you the full story as i believe honesty is the best policy. I'm afraid it'll be a bit longer then a single page as i'm kind of a complex person. I'm afraid extremely intelligent comes with an equally complex manual and history. And i’ve found from experience it’s better to be Complete rather then Concise. However i think you'll find after you've read the whole thing – it is a story even worthy of selling the movie rights to. There's essentially three parts to it: My childhood, my twenties and 2020. My childhood was simply put; Awful. I suffered trauma upon trauma, simply because i'm Autistic and society doesn't know how to deal with that. I have no problems talking about how i was sacrificed by teachers simply because it was easier to keep one boy under control rather then 20. I was bullied constantly without repercussions, but any retaliation i performed was immediately severely punished. It lead to multiple suicide attempts as early as elementary school until finally i dropped out of highschool and thus, am a highschool dropout. Before dropping out i did get my IQ officially confirmed. I did a comprehensive IQ test when i was 14, at the end of which the person taking it wouldn't give me a number (so much good that did). When i started to argue with her because ofcourse i would, she showed me the graph. On that graph, while my general intelligence was already high, under the "logic and reason" section, my IQ showed 153. Which was an oddly specific number so i asked the lady who took the 4 hour test why it was 153 and she replied "Because the test doesn't go higher then 153 and i have no idea how smart you are". I have it in writing that i took the test 50% seriously. No idea why nobody ever cared. Thanks to my high intelligence i got into community college even though i didn't have the papers; I literally talked my way in. I did 4 years of a System Administrator education that was more about survival than learning - and i knew computers anyway thanks to it being my childhood refuge so i'm well versed in Tech. I have quite a few (now funny but distressing at the time) stories about reinstalling Windows 98 20 times and getting a diploma for it. By the time that was finished, the only thing the school taught me that i didn't learn on my own is that i never wanted to do IT again - and i haven't. At the end of it all, i finally was officially diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome and - together with the repeated trauma - was put on social security (Wajong - a Dutch social security for those unable to work before the age of 18). As such, at 21, i was basically sitting at home, smoking weed, playing videogames (i'm a well known hardcore gamer, as videogames and cyberspace offered me my only refuge and social connections i had until i started smoking weed at 19). Such was the situation at 21, when the 2008 Great Financial Crisis happened - and we move into my 20s. I've always had a had a penchant for handling money – Even though my yearly income is €15,000 and valued at 75% of Dutch minimum wage, i've never had debt as it wasn't needed, and i've always been able to save up money, simply through living frugally. Despite that, i care not at all for money – i see it as a means to an end only. An important means, but not the thing that brings happiness, only a gateway. Though i had no way of earning a substantial income as i had no marketable skill (and a by now crazy hatred of all even remotely incompetent authority) i was fine with the minimum afforded to me by the state. So up to 2008, i had been fine with staying out of economics and finance (outside of the college stoner "the illuminati control worthless money" documentary). Until Bear Stearns collapsed - That was a name i'd seen before in movies and such. So i knew it was important, and started paying more attention. I remember Lehman brothers before it collapsed – At the time nobody seemed to think it would be much of a problem because it was such a small bank compared to all the previous ones that where bailed out or taken over. History proved different. Once Lehman brought the system to its knees, naturally i was paying the same amount of attention everybody else was – all of it. And after 2 weeks, i remember seeing a particular report on CNN, in which the anchor said "Nobody saw this coming". And that triggered me. Really? NO ONE? ALL those supposedly smartasses from Yale and Harvard going directly into big banks that had the life that i should've had, none of these assholes saw it coming?! I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't believe not a single person saw an event of *this* magnitude coming. There HAD to have been signs (naturally this was 7 years before "The Big Short"). So i came to a very simple conclusion: Since NO ONE saw this coming, *everybody* was useless. What good are all these educations if they cannot even see the damn iceberg the ship runs into? Well, since i was by then very much used to being on my own, i couldn't help myself but try and find out literally everything i could about finance, economics, and especially US financial history so i could find out if there where signs beforehand. All of it driven by just one single question: "Is it possible to predict the next crash?". I spent my 20's basically at home, playing videogames, smoking weed but this time – consuming practically everything about economics i could find on the internet. I looked for Independent resources specifically – again the mainstream had proven themselves useless in a real crisis situation, so they couldn't be relied on. I think i've seen just about every documentary out there, i've read thousands of articles over the years, and due to society continually rejecting me along with the Aspergers i've always had an outside view - something that's proven itself very useful in the distorted world of economics. Meanwhile i did achieve things outside economics. I spent a few years sober (from 26 to 32) during which i learned how to compose classical music. My father is a classical music composer, having gone to a conservatory in the 70's for 6 years and composing ever since (you wouldn't have heard about him since he loves music, but hates attention), and he trained me in a classical Master – Apprentice relationship. After 5 years i made a piece good enough for my father to end the education as he had nothing left to teach. As a testament to my intelligence, i did it without being able to play an instrument due to a fine motor skill deficiency. Not a problem in games where you can correct movement, but you can't unhear a note. But if you understand the theory fully - playing an instrument isn't necessary. Orchestra composers can't play every instrument either after all. So i learned to do it by computer only - noting the programs down in composing software and having the computer play it for me instead, correcting the unnatural sound of automation in my head. Luckily for me virtual instruments progressed just fast enough in displaying accuracy of sound to do it. Unfortunately the weed made a re-entrace at 32 with near-suicide attempt 6 and i'm afraid it's here to stay, since i know better then to mess with a good thing now. I'm fully a functional stoner; Meaning i function (far) better with the stuff then without. Being extremely intelligent comes with its downsides. Especially if that hyper charged mind becomes traumatized. It's fine to realize that the universe is finite, life is finite and nothing you do matters in the end, those are normal thoughts for anybody to have. It's just not normal to realize it on a second-to-second basis. And compared to all of the very legal and heavy drugs i've tried prescribed by psychologists, weed is much safer (not a single death in medical history and counting!) and allows me to function when i wish and relax when I please instead of transforming me into some zombie. Naturally i know as much about the stuff as anything else so i feel confident in defending it. From my Childhood and 20's i offer the Character and Stamina of a Survivor. My father's often said that if there's one quality he admires about me it's that i never give up and even though i'm just unfortunate and get knocked down alot, i've not once failed to get back up and come back stronger. I know how to endure punishment. And that was very much needed as we head into 2020 which i can only describe as a year of hell for me personally. Up to 2019 i was fine remaining in the shadows. The above history is also exactly why - despite having a considerable intelligence - you've never heard of me. At some point normal people just can't tell smart and crazy apart anymore because it all sounds fantastical. So i was fine with a "live and let live" situation... Until September 2019 when the Repo Crisis happened and Repo rates in the US exploded to 10% out of nowhere. Over the following months i concluded it was because the inevitable had happened: The United States had gone broke, and the Federal Reserve would never be able to end QE anymore; The Hyperinflationary end game had started. On the 8th of December 2019 i took all my life savings out of the banking system, and converted it to Silver and Gold (in a 6:3:1 ratio, the last 1 being cash that went into the stock market in the commodity sector). But i felt i had a duty to warn people. With my knowledge (now being ridiculously overtrained because i have no idea of what's normal so i always overtrain myself in everything before saying anything) i realized that the end was now inevitable - though i didn't know when it would come. This QE game had lasted a long time already, and while rates might blow out without it, they can stay suppressed a long time with it. In my personal life, things where looking up too. Mid 2019 my chronic depression cleared out of nowhere – further boosting my intelligence as i no longer had to worry about keeping my emotions under continual control (luckily, i have a fresh one now). Ideas started popping into my idea like crazy and i decided to go on a path of becoming an Inventor (having previously worked a year as a Streamer – so while i'm not as comfortable infront of a camera as i once was, i can keep a conversation without issue (even if the chat is empty for hours -.-)). Throughout December i worked on an App that i was going to build with a close Russian friend i have, and still will once i've generated the capital for it. In January the initial design was finished and we got a quote for about 15k to build it. Capital neither of us had, so the idea was i would invent something small, sell it for capital and fund the alpha to present to investors. That was on January 7th. On January 9th, reading Zerohedge as i was doing on the daily now for a few hours because of the Repo crisis and the developing economic situation, i saw a report of some unknown virus affecting people in China. As i read the reports, i saw 3 things of interest: Asymptomatic spread, Rumours of people dropping dead in the streets and the authorities downplaying the situation. With my history i immediately realized that if people don't see it, it's not there (people forget i'm autistic within 5 minutes of me saying i have it due to my intelligence and the way i've learned to compensate - but that doesn't make my end of the conversation any easier). You never know if rumours of people dropping dead are authentic... But i do know enough about political systems to know that, if the local authorities *could* control the virus, they wouldn't be sweeping it under the rug. They would be overplaying it, just as with the Ebola scare that "would infect 1 million people by January". Because then they look good when they inevitably manage to control it. But if they sweep it under the rug, they're hoping that it goes away - And that's when the rumours about people dropping dead start becoming scary. On January 11th i told my Russian friend that "All plans are on hold – the virus is the real deal and will cause a pandemic – wait 3 months and you will see what i mean". So far i've not met a single person who called the Pandemic quicker. Naturally, i felt a heavy duty to both warn as many people as i could as well as put my skills to work by collecting as much information as I could, and sharing it with as many people as would listen. Because I was under the impression I was helping a combined human effort against a real disaster. So I turned my life around in an instant and began reading ALL news I could find for 12 hours a day every day – something I kept up until July 1st – as the truth would become extremely important in the future. And i did try my very best – but nobody wanted to hear about it or believe me, not even the people closest to me. In fact, of the 25 twitter followers i had left after streaming at the start of January, at the end of January i had 18 left. Because i realized nobody would take this seriously until it became untenable and everybody would move at once causing a panic, on January 25th i made my first public call that a 2008 like market crash event was imminent (and i've kept screenshots of everything should you want proof cause i stopped being a fool years ago). On February 4th after the market had mysteriously rallied from its dip after the 25th, i doubled down and made a public call on twitter to "GET THE FUCK OUT". 2 weeks later the crash started. Further more, on March 23rd, i called the Gold-USD bottom. Had anybody listened to me by rotating into USD and then into Gold when i said to do so – they would've been up 30% in the 2 month span between February and April, without needing to having billions for credit default swaps. Thanks to premiums on physical and supply issues, aside from a handful of crisis days my December 2019 Silver and Gold positions have never been in the red. Not that i got any recognition for it mind you. It took until August to hit 100 followers on Twitter. I made more calls throughout the year – I've got a call for Dow 24,300-24,333 on a Monday that ended the week at 24,331.32 - calling the market essentially within 2 points (the 300 was a hedge because 24,333 in my head felt like answering A 16 times in a row on a multiple choice test so i got scared). I've made wrong calls too of course, but i tend to be shockingly right shockingly often. Well whatever. I managed to get what i wanted: Yes, it WAS possible to predict a 2008 like event. I did it. Twice, because the Pandemic is an even bigger call. But i paid for it dearly. I caught the virus-that-shall-not-be-named myself in the middle of February, even before the market crash. Considering my hard lived life i'm not surprised that i was affected heavily by it and went critical – but what i didn't expect was that nobody would help me. Here in the Netherlands the official guidelines at the time where "If you haven't been abroad you can't have it" (yes, literally the official guidelines). Even though i called the doctor 6 times, the mental health service in charge of everything 4 times, and went to the emergency room 2 times, i was never helped. In fact, i now have a fresh trauma of screaming in pain on the emergency room floor as my lungs burned up and being approached by security instead of doctors. It took 1 and 1/2 hours before they let me see somebody - A psychiatrist that sent me home with a sedative (pills, predictable) against my autistic panic attacks. Needless to say - therapy is no longer an option either. No matter. I've always been misunderstood and on my own anyway. Due to their refusal to treat me everything i've done this year has been under not just the stress of the mental trauma but also Long Covid effects. I've had a fog in my brain for months (that didn't clear until late September, while my short term memory is still shot), the fatigue meant that i couldn't walk longer then 10 minutes in April 2020 while i could benchpress my own weight in April 2019; For some reason eating feels like i have to do it while sprinting (i haven't had a boiled potato since April) and the list goes on. Physically i’ve mostly recovered, but I can feel my nervous system has taken a massive hit. To add ontop of the misery, i've lost every social connection i had before 2020 in this year. My entire group of gaming friends, my best friend, family. I've spent more times standing on the balcony crying in a corner this year then i can count. Some connections are tentatively restored, others have been burned to ash. So when i say that i'm a survivor who perseveres, i'm not kidding. And i'm not done with my predictions either. Around May-June i started noticing irregularities in Tether (a crypto currency) as well as the Comex (gold/silver futures market). I've been documenting these irregularities for months, and in September i finally managed to attract some attention. I did an interview on Palisade Radio (a YouTube channel with 32,000 subscribers at the time) concerning my research and i've got *nothing but positive feedback* about it. In fact - i've yet to publish any research that has received ANY kind of criticism. To the point that it has surprised me and it feels like i'm back on the positive internet from the early 2000's. I went from 135 followers on twitter to 1350 within a day on September 1st, and 2700 within 10 days - 20Xing my channel in 10 days. Haven’t seen a single troll yet. Since then i've also started my own website, - Where over the course of October i've written ~83,000 words in 1 month on various subjects within economics and the current economic situation. The Magnum Opus being my Shadowcontracts article - A more expansive article of the Palisade video - being 43,000 words long and written in a mere 5 days, 95% from memory. I heard it was 81 pages when printed. While my short term memory might be horrible and i forget things alot, my longer term memory is as sharp as it's always been. I won't lie and say my inspiration fuelled burst work ethic is healthy (it took as long to physically recover from writing the Shadowcontracts article as actually writing it), but it sure is effective. I’m also very proud of the Virtual Labor article, offering an actual digital value storage solution rather then the same old ‘money as debt’ paradigm. This is then also my current job. I couldn't possibly give you a job description i could fulfil with my myriad of skills (nor a official one i could hold down), so i would just say "truly independent" and carving out my own little niche in the public conscienceless. While the website and (growing) twitter channel are what i've been able to manage so far being permanently fatigued and overstressed from essentially fighting a war on the frontlines for a year (god i could really use a vacation from trying to save souls), i am planning to relaunch my streaming channel, as well as fill it with content i can syndicate via podcast channels and YouTube. Once that is up and running, along with inevitable passive income from investing the capital that generates into the market, i'm pretty sure i can stay truly independent while finally having a voice that’s truly my own and not what somebody else told me it should be like. It's not like i have much of a choice now, anyway. To list more achievements, since the first video i've done 4 other interviews about Comex, Tether and Value on 3 other channels. All of them long form, all of them getting excellent reception. The last one was another major one (Arcadia Economics, an important channel within the Silver space) and it was again well received. Even in the Crypto market where people might not believe my conclusions, not a single person has even dared say anything bad about the high standard of my research, while to me it took me a long time before I even dared call it research (“What are you talking about I just google stuff”). It was a long slog from 2700 to 3000 followers, taking a long time and alot of research to convince people of Tether's imminent collapse; But as i write this i just passed 3100 adding another 100 in a half day. This is all before i'm proven right or wrong on my current predictions; People have come to love the depth of the research alone and if i’m right it’s almost a bonus at this point. It's also through these predictions that i met Lynne and started talking to her on Twitter. It's here where Osmium enters the picture. Since i have a good understanding of finance i understand the need to divest, especially since i was already heavy into physical gold and silver. So when i bought stocks, i went deep into Rare Earths as i identified that as another area that would go up soon, and because it hadn't yet the market (and thus share prices) was still at the bottom. Since i invest long term i rarely open my webtrader, but the last time i did since the Trump rare earths decree, my rare earth miners (picked specifically as "good companies outside of China") where up about 40%. But as i can smell out opportunity like it's nothing, i can smell bigger opportunity as well. So i spotted a Uranium Miner that i *knew* would go 100x minimum, and i started selling the information to it as a way to generate some extra cash as i had nothing to even put into it (i'm poor, 2020 made me poorer, and i'm *sick* of it so that was my only option). The sales have gone well (not a single person has turned it down on the basis of the company's performance) but since i'm confident i can recognise value *consistently*, periodically i just go look for stuff. I've googled an incredible amount over the last decade and sometimes i just wonder. So too one day when i was just wondering about rarity, and it's true that generally speaking the more rare stuff is the more expensive it is (not that simple, but shortly put). So i just wondered, well if Gold is rarer then silver, is there something more rare then gold? Well, for me it's logical to go look for how prevalent something is in the earth's crust to see how rare something is. I intended to just go through a list of elements around a certain rarity and see if anything pops out. In this case, the search lead me straight to a website about the prevalence of Precious Metals. Well whatever, i need to know how rare gold is anyway if i wanna find stuff rarer. The site in question however listed that Platinum is 5 parts per billion, gold is 4 parts per billion and Osmium is 1.5 parts per billion. Up to that point i'd never heard about Osmium, so i didn't know there was *another* platinum group metal outside of the ones that pass by usually. So i started looking into it. Highly toxic metal. Deathly to the touch. Great. Incredibly rare though. 10,000 tons of Platinum ore to get 1 ounce. That part i like. Buuuut since i'm used living on the edge a little danger doesn't scare me. As an Inventor there's always the option i can just invent an industrial use (and i already might have) and i'll always bet on human ingenuity - if i can't somebody else will. If it's toxic it'll come in a sealed container that i'll just store somewhere until a use is found for it. If it didn't exist already... So when i started looking into what Osmium was actually used for, it was only a short time until i ran into Crystal Osmium. I know the process is unpatented while being labor intensive itself (the crystal price is substantially higher then some troy ounce ingots i found going for less then an ounce of gold, but sold out unfortunately) - which says to me there's a gap in the market. Since it's only a time before that gets filled by some greedy capitalist, who will promote his product - the price was *sure* to go up. The use case for the Crystals was also immediately clear to me, Jewellery. Especially high end jewellery, because of its rarity. I've done some research into the state of the Diamond market - Dying. So the timing for an ultra-rare unforgettable replacement is just right. Then the moment i found the website and saw it was actually possible to buy the material *right now*, i realized i once again had immediate capital needs. All my research and articles point to imminent inflation and hyperinflation coming to the general economy, mainly due to excess money printing (I expect the next US stimulus package to trigger it, if not that the digital central bank currencies will), so i know my time is limited. And as i said on Twitter, My Loss is Your Gain! In the end i'm nothing if not pragmatic. I decided to package my knowledge about Osmium with my knowledge of the Miner and sell the info for a 10% finders fee of whatever people invest (i offer very reasonable terms as Lynne will confirm - i'm not greedy at all, gets in the way of Trust). Selling information allows me to stay independent as i have a strong hatred for incompetent authority, so that's why that was my plan. Naturally i can't talk about my clients but due to the nature of this conversation, i can reveal i've got an offer for a minimum $100k investment out now (so i'd get $10k minimum) that i received word about just today – A sale i intend fully to close as i'm still poor and still have capital needs. Even though i already sold the information to Lynne as well which has given me some breathing room, but not nearly enough to invest in Osmium myself. Which brings me to today; As i'm sure you can guess the story from there. Lynne was just going to buy the asset, but PayPal got in the way, she mentioned me to you and here we are. Originally we met because she offered me money for me to manage her stocks - But we've come a long way since then and she has, for a lack of better term, seen the light of value. As for my future plans at the moment (aside from our dealings), are to get my streaming and YouTube channel started, grow my audience AND write books in 2021. I'll reveal the titles as i wish to paint myself in a good light; They will be "The Definition of Money", "The Definition of Value" and "Ethereal Value and the Crypto Future". Much like the shadow contracts article they are already 90-95% complete in my head, i just can't write all of it down in a timespan of days and I need just a few more thoughts about it. As you can see, i don't just understand value, i plan to reintroduce the knowledge into a world that seems to have lost it. So as a Partner, i think there would be few better suited then me. I am a truly rare existence in this world. Yes, i'm Brazen, Confronting, Unconventional and even just plain Rude at times. I swear and curse at people who deserve it because my history has left me a Human Behaviour Specialist above all else; And i've just grown tired of al this no value creating bullshit in the markets that has now lead to our imminent financial destruction. It's impossible for me to be perpetually kind in a world where the chairman of the Federal Reserve stands infront of a camera and says monetary policy doesn't contribute to wealth inequality. I'm a hard man shaped by a hard life with an iron character and a titanium spine. But i'm only belligerent when i have the knowledge to back up to confirm my instincts which say i'm right. I can convince anybody of anything in conversation if i want to - I've lost a total of 5 arguments in my entire life time and yes i've kept count - yet i never use those skills for evil or manipulation because i've been nothing but manipulated myself and i've been hurt too much to want anyone to suffer (it's that what has driven me the entire year to keep pushing; There are yet more souls to be saved from imminent threats). Finally; I know what it's like to turn something highly toxic and useless and compress it into a beautiful diamond brimming with value. It'd be hard to find somebody more representative. If i'm not Elite, considering what i came out the other end of, No One deserve to be. And make no mistake; Due to its absolute rarity, Osmium's target market can only be the cream of the crop. Any sort of serious demand will send the price soaring – something I was already intending to create before you contacted Lynne after the big sales allowed me to get in before selling the info to the masses. And i am excited to hear that the Osmium space has people filled with ambition because i have far more ambition (and talents!) then to merely be a local partner or information broker. After hearing you wanted to talk to me; Within hours as i waste no time when i spot opportunity (and while i should've been napping for the important interview coming up after, which i crushed anyway) i came up with a business plan to, for lack of better words, Create and Corner the Osmium luxury market. With my ability to essentially reason the future, i can completely see where this market is going and i've already thought up improvements that could basically raise sales (and with it being a highly limited asset, the price) many fold essentially within... Well a month if i want to. Globally. Just a matter of marketing, essentially. Creating both the high end market as well as vastly expanding the investors market as i'm well aware of what i and others look for in an investment. My only time limiting factor would be Capital as I currently have none – and no way to generate enough to start a business with on my own in a short time frame. Aside from blowing up the investing space and creating the high end luxury market i've also got a plan to dominate the resellers market and the clandestine high-fashion art market, and integrating all of these ideas together into a single space for people to go. While i've only been producing economics works for a year now, i've been designing videogames and videogame systems on my own now for about a decade and have a directory with hundreds of ideas for game systems (i'm totally a systems guy). I figured if i just kept writing down ideas, eventually i'd write down a good one. So i ended up being about twice as overtrained in designing systems in general as i am in economics, and to gamify pretty much anything (which is the future considering the success of the Robin Hood investing app) is of no effort to me. If you are up for it i would love to discuss it in the zoom meeting. Lynne has already reviewed the plan with her business teaching experience and was full of praise - though it's hard to catch her ever not being so. I insist on her being part of the entire meeting, as i have zero business experience and need a partner myself with that experience, and she has no qualms making ungodly amounts of money either (also, since i'm autistic, what you mean by "partner" isn't completely clear to me as too many companies offer "partner-but-not-partner" programs these days so we'll have to discuss that too :). Oh i can generate revenue and awareness just fine but there's looooots of little details that will end up bogging me down along the way, spending hours on technical details while I could be out promoting product. If it's on a need to know basis she will need to know. Our main problem will be capital, as while Lynne is low on funds currently and i'm.. well, poor. I'm much more a representative than a CEO, lending my reputation to the product and advice to the company, rather then day to day business acumen (which i'm sure to pick up along the way anyway because i can't help myself but do research, but i'm a long way from there currently) - and i always do the best by far when i'm given "lone wolf" status and just allowed to do what i think is most effective. Simply put i'm often just far too fast and end up waiting on people and frustrating myself, so i turned to multitasking and running multiple things at once years ago. My talents will be better suited promoting the product, rather then the business, as it allows me more freedom (though the connection will always explicitly be there rather then implicit so my good reputation for value bleeds over to establish the business as reputable). And; Since you offered me a taste, allow me reciprocate with a taste of *My* abilities: Among the many games i've played was one called Stronghold Kingdoms. It involved taking over villages in medieval England and Ireland, building a guild and house, and taking over the world with the possibility of losing everything and be reset to 0 at any time. There are microtransactions that allow you to spend thousands of dollars - but you also *have* to spend alot since their individual effects are weak (at least they were at the time) so it didn't impact the game outside of well known whales, which filled the top 100 ofcourse. In that game, being poor as shit in real life and starting from nothing, i managed to become the 2nd most important man on World 6 through pure diplomacy, spending approximately 200 euros over a period of 2 years while being surrounded by people who could spend thousands *per month*. The most important man? My guild leader who recognized my value, told me to support whoever i thought best where ever i thought best. Around 2 years after merging his faction with mine after i was betrayed by the ruler of Ireland (and he pissed me off, so I later got my revenge by claiming and getting 2 provinces in negotiations I had no business claiming), my guild leader became Grand Marshal of the entire world of World 6 - a title he kept uncontested until the end of the world. I still have a spot on the hall of heroes final world rankings on their website. I might hate incompetent authority – and there's far too much of it to go around – i have no problems serving competent authority that recognises my value. I don't have to be in power – as long as i remain in control. I think you’ll find that much like Osmium, when handled properly I can be of tremendous value ^_^ Look forward to discussing things with you! Thank you for your time! Kirian "Deso" van Hest Links to my work: - My articles can be found here – Daily research updates/commentary - My latest interview (concerning and explaining shadowcontracts on the Comex).